The Christian Apparel Fundraiser That Makes It Easy To Raise Funds For Your Mission Trip, Church, Team, Ministry & More!
(While Also Spreading The Gospel Of Christ)
Eternal Light Fundraising is an exceptional choice for individuals or organizations aiming to raise funds for camps, retreats, building projects, women's or men's ministry events, and more. Here are a few reasons why utilizing our platform to sell apparel can be highly beneficial.
It's so easy. People love T-Shirts and Sweatshirts! We offer a hassle-free fundraiser, providing an effortless and efficient way to generate funds. Our user-friendly method and streamlined process combined with a quality faith-based product makes fundraising incredibly easy! Partnering with us grants you access to our marketing expertise. We provide mock up photos of each shirt to be used on social media sites and websites. We also have general fundraising graphics that you can print out for tables, signs, etc.
It's popular. Selling apparel is a popular and profitable fundraising method that appeals to a wide range of supporters. Many people are much more likely to purchase a t-shirt or sweatshirt than just donate money. We have found that this is one of the most successful fundraisers within churches and organizations.
It's profitable. Our fundraiser T-Shirts are available for purchase at $10 each. We recommend selling them for $20 - $25 a piece. This pricing can lead to substantial profits for the group, allowing them to meet their financial goals quickly and easily. You can see the full price list in the section below.
Checkout with our No cost digital fundraising kit. This connects you with our representative and begins your fundraiser journey. Once the kit is ordered, you'll receive an email with our getting started packet, order forms, and marketing information.
Choose the design (or designs) that you want to market and sell to your community. You can choose from any of the designs and sell as little or as many different designs as you would like. Some groups prefer to focus on one shirt design while others like to offer multiple options. Our designs include some that will appeal to both men and women. The more options you offer, the more customers you will appeal to.
Order physical samples. This is optional, but many customers want to see the shirts in person before ordering them as well to see what size would best fit them. We recommend ordering a few samples in various sizes.
Determine a sales technique. Many organizations have had great success with a physical sales point - a table set up in a commons area at church or at a craft show-type setting. The customer pays for and places their order in person. Other organizations prefer online sales where the customer makes the purchase on their device. This option does allow you to reach a larger market than your surrounding community. Either way, we give you the tools you'll need for a successful fundraiser.
Start taking orders. From the time you purchase the Fundraiser Kit, you have 30 days to sell shirts and turn in the order forms and shirt payment. We have found that the sweet spot is around a 2 week selling time for marketing to your community.
After you have collected all of your orders, scan/take a picture of your forms and upload them onto our site.
Now we do our part! We'll pack and ship your order so you rest and enjoy a glass of sweet tea.
You receive your order and distribute the shirts to everyone!
Previous Fundraiser Results:
Jamie R.
“We used Eternal Light fundraising for our student ministry camp and had a huge success! Selling t-shirts to our congregation was so much easier than I thought and their process was so easy to follow. We will be doing this again next year”
Mike F.
“Our travel ball team used this to raise money and it worked. This doesn't have to just be an opportunity for churches but any team, club or organization in your community”
Gina L.
“This was the best fundraiser for our women's ministry that we have done for our retreat! I was a little nervous on how it was going to go but with the pictures of the shirts they gave and the order forms it was like they thought through everything and made it so easy on me.”
Fundraiser Price List
You can offer a variety of T-Shirts, Long Sleeves, & Sweatshirts

Long Sleeves
Cost: $13 each
Recommended Selling Price: $25-$30

Cost: $15 each
Recommended Selling Price: $30-$35
Designs You Can Offer
Get Started Today By Checking Out With Our No Cost Digital Fundraising Kit!
This begins your fundraiser journey!